And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.

Matthew 4:19





42-J. Alcantara St. Brgy. Sambag 1, Cebu City

To follow and make followers of Jesus Christ.

Ikthus Cebu, otherwise known as FBC (First Baptist Church of Cebu). Ikthus Cebu is a local body of Christ comprised of people from all walks of life and different sectors of society. What binds these people together is the love of the Lord Jesus Christ and the desire to worship Him. Ikthus Cebu believes in reaching out to people by leading them to a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, counseling the troubled, praying for the sick, and helping them grow into spiritual maturity.

Live Stream Service

Watch our live stream service every 9:30 am on Sunday .

In Cooperation with the Cebu City Community Quarantine

Be Inspired

This is Life. it can never be absolutely happy, it can never be perfectly made, it will always have it’s twist and turns, ups and downs as well, it will make us strong and have faith, sometimes it makes us cry and suffer, but it will make us stand and learn that no matter how difficult it is, there always be many reasons to live and smile because God love us.

—Rev. Noel Alvarez


For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:12

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